Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (1 box and 1 bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (bottle of 150ml)
Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (box of bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (1 box and 1 bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (bottle of 150ml)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (box of bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (1 box and 1 bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (bottle of 150ml)
Natural Cough Syrup for Kids (box of bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (1 box and 1 bottle)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (bottle of 150ml)
Natural Cough Syrup for Adults (box of bottle)
*Packaging color may differ according to distribution region.

Natural Cough Syrup

AdvaLife™ Natural Cough Relief, AdvaLife™ Natural Cold Relief KIDS
Natural Cough Syrup is an all-natural remedy that is specially formulated to help reduce respiratory symptoms associated with colds, cough, and similar mild infections. This liquid supplement is manufactured in ISO/HACCP-certified facilities by AdvaCare Pharma.



What is Natural Cough Syrup?

Health Category:

Natural Cough Syrup is a honey-based cough remedy containing herbal extracts, such as eucalyptus and propolis, to help reduce respiratory symptoms of colds and infections. It can also be used to help treat different types of cough in children and adults.

AdvaCare Pharma is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality with this Natural Cough Syrup, which is manufactured in ISO/HACCP-approved facilities in the USA, China, and India. We ensure that every aspect of our supply chain meets the highest health, safety, and environmental standards through meticulous protocols and attention to detail.

Why are we a trusted Natural Cough Syrup manufacturer?

AdvaCare Pharma USA, under the AdvaLife™ brand, manufactures Natural Cough Syrup. Our scientifically-formulated syrup supplements are designed and manufactured to be both highly effective and tasty while retaining formulation stability.

Unique formulations in syrup form has made AdvaLife™ an innovator and market leader for oral liquid supplements. Our experience as a top Natural Cough Syrup manufacturer has earned a reputation for quality, backed by ISO 22000 & 9001 and HACCP certifications, among supplement distributors, doctors and consumers alike.


AdvaLife™ Natural Cough Syrup Standard Formula

Each 10ml contains*: Eucalyptus Honey, Propolis Extract, Vitamin C, Thyme Extract, Echinacea Purpurea Extract, Sundew (Drosera) Extract, Eucalyptus Essential Oil * Request product catalog for full composition.

AdvaLife™ Natural Cough Syrup Sugar-Free Formula

Each 10ml contains: Plantago Lanceolata (1:5:1), Sucralose, Water, Potassium Sorbate, Peppermint Oil * Request product catalog for full composition.

AdvaLife™ Natural Cough Syrup Pediatric Formula

Each 10ml contains: Proprietary blend of Propolis, Ivy, Altea, Thyme, Honey * Request product catalog for full composition.

Targeted Health Support

relieves congestion
relieves cough
enhances immunity
diabetic friendly
restores calmness
discomfort relief


Natural Cough Syrup benefits in cases of inflammation

This supplement reduces oxidative damage and can prevent inflammation. It has antioxidant properties and can boost the immune system. It can help fight off respiratory infections.

Natural Cough Syrup benefits respiratory diseases

This syrup relieves cough and cold symptoms and can also help in treating throat infections. It stimulates the saliva production and can suppress cough. It can reduce the severity and frequency of coughs. It also aids in eliminating and expelling phlegm.

Natural Cough Syrup benefits the gastrointestinal health

This supplement can improve digestion and can prevent bloating and other digestive problems.


Eucalyptus Honey soothes throat irritation and helps to relieve cough symptoms.

Propolis Extract has antimicrobial properties that help to reduce the severity of coughs.

Thyme Extract has expectorant properties that help to loosen and expel phlegm. This can aid in the elimination of the respiratory infection.

Echinacea Purpurea Extract has immune-boosting properties that may help fight off respiratory infections.

Sundew (Drosera) Extract has cough suppressant properties that may help to reduce the frequency and severity of coughs.

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that support immune function and may help to reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections. It is recommended during the flu season and can relieve cold symptoms.

Plantago Lanceolata, also known as ribwort plantain, has been traditionally used in herbal medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including respiratory issues, digestive problems, and skin irritations. It is also often used as a natural remedy for cough and colds.


What is Natural Cough Syrup used for?

How is Natural Cough Syrup used?

This syrup is designed to be taken orally. Syrup may be given by dispensing directly into the mouth or mixed with water or juice. Shake well before use.

What dose of Natural Cough should be taken?

The recommended dose for natural cough syrup is as follows:

  • Children over 1 year: 1 teaspoon (5ml) three times a day
  • Adults: 2 teaspoons (10ml) three times a day

Consult a healthcare provider for guidance on dosage.

Do not exceed the recommended daily doses. A laxative effect may occur in case of overdose.

Is there a recommended duration for using this Natural Cough supplement?

Yes, this supplement should be used as long as cold symptoms persist. It can be beneficial in managing colds and flu–like diseases. Regular intake is not recommended. Consult a doctor to determine the best time to use this supplement.

Is this supplement effective in the treatment of COVID-19?

This supplement might be effective in the treatment of COVID-19, but it is not a definite treatment. It can relieve the symptoms of cough and throat irritation. It also stimulates saliva production and suppresses cough. Other drugs and supplements should also be consumed during the treatment of this viral disease.

If secondary bacterial infections occur, patients should receive antibiotics from healthcare professionals determined based on the antibiogram results.

Which symptoms can be treated with this syrup?

This syrup is effective in the treatment of persistent cough and throat irritation. It can also improve the saliva production. It also aims to treat all symptoms related to cold.

Is Natural Cough recommended for children?

Yes, this syrup is recommended for children. Children have difficulties swallowing pills and capsules, and this supplement can be a good substitute for pills.

How can eucalyptus honey help in managing cough?

This ingredient is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, flavonoids, and healing compounds. Regular intake of this supplement can keep people healthy. It can control the hypersecretion of airway mucus and asthma by inhibiting the anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Is this syrup effective in cases of cough caused by allergies?

Yes, this supplement is effective in managing cough caused by allergies as long as the consumer is not allergic to any of the product’s ingredients. If you develop some allergic reaction, consult a professional as soon as possible.

What are the other benefits of this supplement?

This supplement can relieve tiredness in patients and can improve sleep duration and quality in people who have sleep difficulties due to persistent cough. It is also beneficial in cases of cough caused by allergies.

Is only Natural Cough enough to treat a respiratory disease?

The treatment process depends on the cause of the respiratory disease. In general, this supplement can relieve the symptoms of respiratory diseases. However, other supplements and drugs might be needed.

What should I do if I develop an allergic reaction?

This syrup rarely leads to allergic reactions. Read the product’s label and see if you are allergic to any ingredients. The efficacy also depends on the allergy severity and the type of the allergen. The most common allergic reactions are skin rashes, itching, and difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these side effects, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Can this supplement lead to any side effects?

Yes, this supplement might cause side effects, but most of the side effects occur in cases of overdose. It includes gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, or vomiting. Allergic reactions can also occur if the patient is sensitive to some of the supplement’s ingredients.

Can this supplement interact with other drugs or supplements?

Yes, like any other supplement, this syrup can also interact with some drugs or supplements. Consult a doctor and see if this syrup is a good choice for you. If you are having some pre-existing medical condition and you are taking some drugs, consult a doctor before taking this supplement.

How should this supplement be stored?

Natural cough syrup should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. It should also be kept away from children and pets.


Using this Natural Cough Syrup may result in side effects.

Do NOT use this Natural Cough Syrup if:

  • you are hypersensitive to honey or any of the syrup's components.
  • you are less than 1 year old.
  • you have a heart or kidney condition.

Consult a doctor if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Also, inform your doctor if you are planning to get pregnant.

Talk to a doctor prior to supplementing to prevent any potential interactions with other pharmaceutical products.


Can you provide documentation for the ingredients used in your syrup formulations?

Yes, we believe in transparency and accountability when it comes to our syrup formulations. That's why we offer detailed documentation for all ingredients used in our products, enabling consumers to verify the quality and safety of what they consume. Additionally, our technical documentation assists in the product registration process, ensuring that our syrup supplements meet regulatory standards and can be confidently distributed worldwide.

What are the flavor options available for your syrup supplements?

AdvaLife™ syrup supplements are available in a variety of mouthwatering flavors, including classic favorites like orange, cherry, and mint. Our dedication to quality and taste ensures that each flavor option provides a delicious and enjoyable way to incorporate supplements into daily routines.

Can you customize the bottle sizes and shapes for syrup packaging?

Customization is a key aspect of our ability to adapt to market demands. While adhering to standardized packaging for ingredient safety, we offer a range of bottle sizes for our AdvaLife™ syrup supplements. This enables distributors to select the most suitable size to align with their branding and consumer preferences.

Do you conduct stability testing for syrup supplements to ensure product quality over time?

Yes, stability testing is a fundamental part of our quality assurance process. We conduct thorough stability testing for our AdvaLife™ syrup supplements to guarantee their quality and effectiveness over time.

Do you provide support for creating custom supplement blends?

Absolutely, AdvaLife™ is committed to providing comprehensive formulation assistance for custom supplement blends. Our experienced R&D professionals work hand in hand with distributors to craft formulations that cater to specific health goals and target audiences. Whether it's developing specialty blends for niche markets or addressing emerging consumer trends, we offer tailored solutions to meet diverse requirements.

Do your supplement products meet all necessary regulatory standards?

AdvaLife™ takes regulatory compliance seriously and goes above and beyond to ensure adherence to standards. Our supplements are certified by ISO, HACCP, BRC, NSF, and/or Halal standards, reflecting our dedication to meeting regulatory requirements and providing safe, high-quality products globally.

Can you provide samples of your supplement products?

Samples of our AdvaLife™ supplements are available upon request. However, please be aware that sample production might be required for product registration purposes.


What is the evidence for Natural Cough Syrup’s impact on flu-like symptoms and COVID-19?

This supplement contains vitamin C, a vitamin known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C is primarily utilized to enhance immune function and increase energy levels. It can serve as a preventive measure for individuals at heightened risk of getting infected with flu viruses during the winter months. During the COVID-19 pandemic, vitamin C was recommended as a proactive measure to support overall health and immunity.

Numerous studies show that regular vitamin C supplementation can boost the immune system and promote overall well-being.

Overview of the possible role of vitamin C in management of COVID-19

COVID-19 is a viral illness for which effective antiviral treatments are challenging to develop. While vaccines are now widely available for prevention, at the onset of the pandemic, doctors primarily prescribed micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Treatment for COVID-19 mainly involves supportive care.

During the acute stage of COVID-19 infection, there is an increased demand for metabolic processes, leading to the depletion of vitamin C levels in serum and leukocytes. This study demonstrated that administering high doses of vitamin C to patients with COVID-19 can help improve these levels. Vitamin C exhibits antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties, which make it a potential therapeutic option for COVID-19.

High-dose vitamin C supplementation has been shown to be well-tolerated without adverse reactions, but it should be used for short-term durations. It is an affordable and readily available supplement that can potentially benefit the treatment process of COVID-19.

What is the evidence for Natural Cough Syrup’s impact on respiratory tract infections?

Eucalyptus honey has been used traditionally to relieve cough in patients and can help in the treatment process of upper respiratory tract infections.

Effect of Honey on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the impact of a single nocturnal dose of three different types of honey products (eucalyptus honey, citrus honey, or labiatae honey) against a placebo (silan date extract) on nocturnal cough and sleep difficulties related to upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) in children.

The methods included surveys of the children's parents on 2 consecutive days. This is a double-blind randomized study and it included 300 children from 1 to 5 years old with upper respiratory tract infections, nocturnal cough, and illness duration of less than 7 days. It included patients from 6 general pediatric community clinics.

Children were given 10g of eucalyptus honey, citrus honey, labiatae honey, or a placebo administered 30 minutes before bedtime. Cough frequency, cough severity, bothersome nature of cough, and child and parent sleep quality were measured. Significant improvements were observed in all groups, including the three honey products and the placebo group, from the night before treatment to the treatment night. However, the degree of improvement was better in the honey groups.

In conclusion, the parents rated the honey products higher than the silan date extract for the treatment process of nocturnal cough.

*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.

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